Women jazz composers have had a very difficult path, I’m so glad their creative spirits are still available to us through YouTube, thank you to the beautiful people who took the time to post these, good karma on you!
When you need a smile, check out some of these wonder women…
Lovie Austin (1887-1972)- Blues composer/pianist
Lil Harden Armstrong (1898-1971) Ragtime composer/pianist
Valeda Snow (1904-1956) Composer/Trumpet/Singer- Hollywood, had to move to Europe to work
Una Mae Carlisle (1915-56) Composer/Singer
Ginger Smack- (1920-1995) Boogie Woogie Composer/ Violinist
Dorothy Donegan (1922-1998) Composer/Pianist Classical,Stride, Boogie Woogie, Modern
Tashiko Akiyoshi